AustraliaEntertainmentCPC Prolights

Ipswich’s CPC Production Services has been providing high-quality services since 1984, becoming one of QLD’s leading production companies.

In addition to catering to all facets of production, CPC is well known for its professional broadcast services, so stocking up on Prolights gear made perfect sense. CPC now boasts 16 x Prolights EclProfile CT+IP and 16 x Prolights EclSoft LinearIP, and recently added more Prolights TWC and TWCJr panels to their existing stock.

“We’ve got a large outside broadcast truck, and our Prolights gear is great for that work,” commented Murray Keidge, Managing Director of CPC. “However, we love them for all of our work, particularly overhead lighting on theatre stages, for which they are stunning.”

Before investing in a Prolights inventory, Murray looked at all the options, but once Show Technology’s Candice Hill demonstrated the range to him, he knew he’d found the ideal selection.

“Honestly, for their price compared to the ones double the money, they’re just as good,” he stated. “We’re finding that they’re certainly accepted within the television world now, and many studios are installing them.”

Murray adds that the Prolights gear is phenomenally consistent. He has found it very reliable and has never had a fault with it. He also comments that their gear is beautifully made and quite robust.

“Our Prolights EclSoft LinearIP are quite stunning; the performance and the quality of the light out of them are just excellent,” continued Murray. “The EclSoft Linear is handy as it is IP65-rated and is a new form factor that adds extra interest and functionality to our work. However, they still have all the main features of the successful EclPanel range.”

With its extensive range of products, the Prolights EclPanel Series is the perfect choice for high-profile professional production environments that require flexible, reliable solutions with perfect colour matching and excellent performance in any production context.

“We just did an LNP launch on Sunday, and the media loved the result that we got out of all the EclPanel TWC and TWCJr LED soft lights as well as EclProfile CT+IP,” said Murray. “Our EclPanel TWCs offer an even area light across the studio with bright and uniform coverage, ensuring consistent illumination.”

Murray loves the colours produced by his Prolights EclProfile CT+IP, saying they have a gorgeous, rich palette and perfect whites.

“Their wide feature set includes special theatrical functions such as tungsten emulation on dimming and colours, LEE colour presets, virtual CTO and studio functions, such as green and magenta tuning on white presets,” he remarked. “We compared them with all the other popular brands, and at their price point, I couldn’t justify spending any more to get maybe a couple of per cent improvement.”

With their Prolights EclProfile CT+IP, Prolights EclSoft LinearIP, and Prolights TWC Panels, CPC Productions will continue to benefit from Prolights lighting solutions for many years to come.

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EclPanel TWCJr

EclPanel TWCJr, is the compact 1×1 LED soft light that provides a beautiful, wide source of soft and precise colours. In addition to this, the PROLIGHTS EclPanel TWCJr comes with a full range of white reproductions, from daylight through to tungsten tones, reaching a superior light quality with high CRI, TLCI and TM-30.

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EclPanel TWC

The PROLIGHTS ECLIPSE Panel Tunable White & Colour is a LED soft panel / soft light which provides a beautiful, wide source of soft and precise colours.

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